From Intrusive to Inviting: Transforming Sales Tactics with AI Text Messaging - Klarkit

From Intrusive to Inviting: Transforming Sales Tactics with AI Text Messaging

In a seemingly forever adapting world of business, text message & e-mail automation is emerging as a critical component for efficient communication. Business owners, often pressed for time, find themselves in a landscape where quick decision-making is crucial. The ability to respond to client inquiries rapidly is not just a convenience but a necessity. This is where the power of automated text messages comes into play, offering a timely solution to keep up with the demands of a global client base operating across various time zones.

The Statistical Backing for Text Message Automation in Sales

Recent studies underscore the significance of integrating text message automation into sales processes:

  • Phone Checking is in Answering Calls is Out! According to Zippia Research, people check their phones on average 96 times per day or every 10 minutes. They also on average spend 5 hours and 24 minutes on their mobiles each day. However, a Pew Research study found that only 19% of consumers answer calls from numbers they don’t recognize. Emphasising that phones are the way to go, but calls are out. 
  • Boosted Response Rates: Text messages have an extraordinary 98% open rate, making them one of the most effective channels for reaching customers​​​​. This is significantly higher than the average open rate for emails, which stands at about 20%. The immediacy of SMS communication is underscored by the fact that 95% of text messages are read and responded to within just 3 minutes of being received​ according to SMS Comparison (Pew Research).
  • What Consumers Want: A whopping 90% of customers prefer text messages over direct phone calls (G2). Approximately 59% of smartphone users prefer using click-to-call features for quick answers, indicating a strong preference for immediate and direct communication methods like SMS​​.

What is Text Message Automation

Text message automation, in the context of business, refers to the use of software to create and send text messages (SMS) automatically to customers or clients based on specific triggers or predefined schedules. This technology has enabled businesses to communicate with their audience efficiently without the need for manual intervention for each message sent. It’s a form of business process automation focused on the communication aspect, leveraging the ubiquity and accessibility of text messaging.

A study conducted by SimpleTexting found that businesses that adopt messaging their customers are likely to record a success rate of 217.33%, compared to businesses that do not text their customers.  

The Role of AI in Enhancing Text Message Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the way automated text messages are used in business. AI-driven text message automation tools can learn from client interactions, enabling more nuanced and effective communication. 

The development of AI also increased the number of businesses that incorporated AI for automated messages to 83% in 2023. Hence, your strategy for 2024 should involve using a Test Message Autoresponder such as the Speed to Lead AI Bot.  

These tools can analyse client data to send more targeted messages, improving the relevance and effectiveness of business communication efforts.

Importance of Text Message Automation  

  1. Time Saving and Efficiency 

Imagine spending so much on lead generation but losing out because there was a delay in responding to an inquiry that would have converted sales. That is the reason why it is important to automate messages. It saves time.   

And it is efficient because you do not need to compose a message each time and you keep it branded. You gain more from lead follow-ups due to the efficient use of your time and resources.  

  1. Decrease the Cost of Hiring Expensive Sales Staff

With text message automation, you record gains from quality prospects as AI does the job initially for your business. This in turn will help you save the extra cost of hiring more marketing staff who might not work round the clock to give you the same sales results.  

Types of Automated Text Messages  

Sales and Promotion Awareness  

Automated text messages can be used to send updates and raise awareness to converted leads and customers on your sales or product promotion that is upcoming. This way, they do not miss out, and that is more revenue for your business.  

Appointment Schedule  

Another type of automation message is the appointment scheduler. Here, you schedule and book sales appointments with your unconverted leads and send them reminders before the meeting.  

Appointment Scheduler


Many customers leave feedback for your business, and you must respond to that feedback to earn other customers’ trust. This is irrespective of the type of review, whether positive or negative. However, many businesses do not respond to customer reviews. With Klarkit AI Review Bot, all you need to do is relax and watch the magic happen.  

Text Message Autoresponder  

Text Message Autoresponder is one of the most popular test message automations. It enables business owners to be available 24/7 to customers without the fear of losing customers to competitors. Text Message Autoresponder can be used to Welcome Customers, schedule events, and send reminders, for sales promotion and leads follow-up process.   

Integrating Automated Text Messages Across Different Business Functions

Automated text messages are not limited to client service; they can be integrated across various business functions:

  • Sales: As a tool for lead nurturing and sales conversion.
  • Marketing: For promoting products, services, and special offers.
  • Support: Offering instant, automated support to customers’ queries.

Best Practices for Crafting Effective Ai Automation

Implementing best practices for AI automated text messaging, especially in the realms of sales and client service, involves creating a seamless workflow and using context-specific prompts. This approach ensures that communication is not only relevant but also impactful at every stage of the client journey. Here are some key best practices: 

1. Establish a Clear Workflow Based on Client Journey

  • Mapping Client Touchpoints: Understand and map out every stage of the client journey, from initial contact to post-purchase follow-ups. This will help in designing specific workflows for each stage.
  • Tailored Messaging for Each Stage: Develop different sets of messages for different stages. For instance, initial inquiries might receive introductory information, while repeat customers might receive messages about loyalty programs or upsells.
  • Seamless Transition Between Stages: Ensure that the transition between different stages of the client journey is smooth. For example, once a lead becomes a customer, the messaging should shift from promotional to educational or supportive. 

2. Use Context-Specific Prompts

  • Relevance is Key: Ensure that the prompts used by the AI system are relevant to the stage of the client’s journey. This relevance ensures your communication meets the client at the level of your relationship. By doing so you increase the likelihood of engagement, positive responses, and client satisfaction.
  • Personalise Based on Past Interactions: Use data from previous interactions to tailor the prompts. For example, if a lead previously showed interest in a specific service, the AI can use this information to personalise future communications.

3. Regularly Update and Optimize the AI System

  • Feedback Loop for Continuous Improvement: Implement a system to gather and analyse feedback on AI interactions. Use this data to refine the AI’s responses and prompts continually.
  • Stay Updated with AI Advancements: AI technology is continually evolving. Stay abreast of new features and technologies that can enhance your automated text messaging system.

4. Balance AI Automation with Human Touch

  • Human Escalation Protocols: While AI can handle routine inquiries, there should be a clear protocol for escalating more complex issues to human representatives. 
  • Training Staff to Work Alongside AI: Train your team to understand how the AI functions and how they can complement its capabilities in providing exceptional client service.

5. Ensure Compliance and Privacy

  • Regulatory Compliance: Stay compliant with regulations regarding automated messaging, such as GDPR or TCPA, ensuring client data is handled securely and ethically.
  • Transparency with Customers: Be transparent with customers about the use of AI in your communications. Offer them options to opt-out of automated messaging if they prefer human interaction.

Streamlining Sales Processes with Automated Text Messaging

A crucial aspect of maximising the benefits of automated text messages is having a well-defined business sales process. A streamlined sales process, augmented with automated text messaging, ensures that every client interaction is timely, relevant, and effective in moving leads through the sales funnel. 

Enhancing Client Relationship Management (CRM) with Automated Texts

Automated text messages can be seamlessly integrated into a CRM system, ensuring that every client interaction is recorded and analysed. This integration allows for more personalised communication, as businesses can use client data to tailor their messages and offers, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

When it comes to enhancing Client Relationship Management (CRM) and sales processes, the integration of automated text messaging is a game-changer, and GoHighLevel stands out as a highly recommended platform for this purpose.

Enhancing Client Relationship Management (CRM) with GoHighLevel and Automated Texts

GoHighLevel’s integration of CRM and automated text messaging offers a seamless experience in managing and analysing every client interaction. This integration is pivotal for personalizing communication strategies, as it allows businesses to use collected client data to tailor messages and offers effectively. Such targeted communication facilitated by GoHighLevel not only leads to higher engagement but also increases conversion rates, making it a recommendation for businesses focusing on CRM enhancement. Give it a shot with our 14 Day Free Trial here

The Role of Automated Workflows in Sales Enhancement

Automated workflows in text message automation can significantly enhance the sales process. By automating routine communications, sales teams can focus on more complex tasks, such as nurturing leads and closing deals. This not only improves efficiency but also ensures that no potential client is overlooked.

Balancing Automation with Human Touch in Sales

While automated text messages are efficient, balancing them with a human touch is essential. Personalized and thoughtfully crafted messages resonate more with customers, making them feel valued and understood. This balance is critical in building strong client relationships and driving sales.

How to Automate Text Messages – A Guide  

The ways to automate text messages are quite easy to follow. Here is how; 

  1. Choose an Automation Service Provider: Except you have a Test Automation App built specially for your business, you will need to choose a text automation service provider to start with. Though most of them will require that you pay to enjoy the features, the fees are always budget-friendly.  
  1. Upload your Subscribers: Not all your customers would have opted-in to receive communications from your business. Therefore, after choosing your text automation service provider, you will import your contact list on the platform.  
  1. Build a Sign-Up Form: To build your Customer Opt-in list, you can use a Sign-up form available for free on your business Social Media pages or your website.  
  1. Create your automation messages: This is where the bulk of your work lies. Creating automated messages is a craft, which must be painstakingly done. Your message must be concise and personalized. This way, your customers know you care about them, and that in turn increases engagement.  
  1. Schedule or send your automated text message: At this stage, your message will have been crafted. What is left is a final review and choose whether you want to send it immediately, or schedule your automated message for the future.  

Introducing Klarkit Sales Androids: Revolutionising Automated Sales Processes

Klarkit has taken a significant leap forward in text message automation with its innovative Sales Androids. These advanced GPT models are designed to seamlessly integrate into your sales processes, providing smart, AI-driven automated text messaging that can significantly boost sales efficiency and effectiveness.

Klarkit Sales Androids

Key Features of Klarkit Sales Androids:

  • Intelligent Lead Qualification: Klarkit Sales Androids can qualify leads automatically, ensuring that sales teams focus their efforts on the most promising prospects.
  • Personalized Communication: Leveraging AI, these androids personalize communication with each lead, increasing the chances of conversion.

Enhancing Customer Service with Klarkit Customer Service Androids

In addition to sales, Klarkit also offers Customer Service Androids, which are revolutionising the way businesses handle customer service. These AI-powered androids provide automated responses to customer queries, offering immediate assistance and improving overall customer experience.

Benefits of Using Klarkit Customer Service Androids

  • 24/7 Customer Support: With Klarkit Customer Service Androids, businesses can offer round-the-clock support, ensuring customer inquiries are addressed anytime.
  • Consistent Customer Experience: These androids provide consistent, accurate, and quick responses, enhancing customer satisfaction and trust.

The Future of AI in Text Message Automation

The future of text message automation lies in the further integration of AI. As AI technology continues to evolve, it will offer even more sophisticated capabilities for automated messaging, making interactions more human-like and personalised. This advancement will not only improve customer engagement but also offer new opportunities for businesses to innovate in their communication strategies.

Conclusion: Synergising Sales and Customer Service with AI

Incorporating AI in automated text messaging for sales and customer service creates a dynamic and responsive communication ecosystem. In sales, AI enhances the customer journey through personalized engagement and timely follow-ups. In customer service, it offers swift, efficient support while intelligently routing complex issues to human agents. This synergy between AI-driven sales and customer service streamlines operations and fosters a deeper understanding of and connection with customers, driving immediate and long-term business success.

George Adefemi
George Adefemi

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