About Us - Klarkit


Introduction to Expertise in Sales

You might think that closing over $278 million in sales and making over 160,000 cold calls defines an expert in sales. But here’s the truth: these numbers alone don’t make us experts in selling, especially in your business. What they do confirm, however, is a crucial lesson – the key to ongoing success in sales is not just hard work, but adapting to your customers’ needs – and working smarter.


The Klarkit Solution:
Adapting to the New Age of Sales

At Klarkit, we’ve developed a solution that not only adapts to your clients but is also rooted in the new age of sales principles. It’s about combining the wisdom gained from traditional sales strategies with the agility of modern technology. This synergy ensures that you’re not just keeping up with the evolving demands of your customers but are always one step ahead, offering them what they need, when they need it.


Solving Sales Problems with AI

Here at Klarkit, we solve painful sales problems using AI. I haven’t been put on this earth to waste hours of our day on time-consuming and repetitive tasks that require zero brainpower and bring in peanuts as profits. I’d say you haven’t either.

Leveraging AI for Enhanced Sales Performance

We leverage AI to help business owners pull in multiple $1000s in extra sales, increase their profit margins and save them hundreds of hours of manual work. We use AI to help you work your leads faster, speak to better qualified leads, increase your conversation rates and reduce the amount it costs you to acquire a customer. Our clients regain control of their time, cut costs and stay focused on the highest-value activities in their business, whilst AI helps to put more money in their pocket.


Personalized Approach to AI in Sales

We may be AI specialists but our approach is far from robotic. We get under the hood of your business, identify any bottleneck areas in your sales process and tailor our approach to get you the best results.

Our Products

Database Reactivation AI

Pull fresh sales from leads you’ve already paid for and haven’t bought, using conversational AI

Speed to Lead AI

Stop losing sales to competitors who are faster to the phone, by getting AI to work your leads 24/7.

Out of Hours AI

Stop 'Out of Hours' leads going unanswered and wasting time each morning on unqualified prospects with AI.

Google Reviews AI

Improve business credibility and customer opinion replying to reviews without spending man-hours using AI.

Android Test Drive

This demo uses only 2 input fields, while our custom versions utilise 58 for in-depth personalisation.

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