Speed to Lead Ai - Klarkit

Speed to Lead AI

Are you losing sales to competitors who are faster at picking up the phone? Every week business owners pay for expensive leads, only to drop ‘Ready to Buy’ customers into the lap of their competition. It’s unintentional. Unavoidable even.

It’s just what happens when a customer reaches out only to hit an answering machine or have their enquiry added to a pile of others. These customers won’t think twice about trying again with the business down the road.

Before now, the only way to stop the loss of good-quality prospects was to hire more expensive sales staff. But even then, if everyone is busy with other customers when a new lead comes in. They’re busy.

Now with our ‘Speed to Lead’ AI, business owners have an easy way to INSTANTLY make contact with potential new sales 24/7, no matter how busy they are. As a result, their lead to sale conversion has gone through the roof and they put more sales on the board.

Android Test Drive

This demo uses only 2 input fields, while our custom versions utilise 58 for in-depth personalisation.

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